Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Time Lapse Videos of the Garden (3 of 3)

This is the last video in this time lapse series.

In this video I've removed all the images taken between 8pm and 5am. Don't worry, I didn't have to do this by hand! All the videos save with a similar file name which has the date and time in it so I wrote a little regular expression that deleted all the files with a 00 - 04 or a 20 - 23 in the hour slot. The commands looked like this:

rm 00A8F9005FCC\(IPCamera\)_0_2013????0{0..4}*
rm 00A8F9005FCC\(IPCamera\)_0_2013????{20..23}*

The rm command you should be familiar with, then it is the camera's MAC address (I think) followed by the name in brackets then _0_ (for some reason, maybe camera number) then the 4 digit year, 2 digit month (single digit wildcards), 2 digit date (single digit wildcards) then the 2 digit hour. Notice in the first command I put the first digit of the hour outside the curly bracket, I just wasn't sure 00..04 would work so opted for 0..4 instead. What came after the hour digits didn't matter so I just dropped in a multi digit wildcard.

The video was made out of 24718 images (it was 38000+ before I removed the black portions!) and I've tried to speed it up a little compared to the other videos giving a near 14 minute long video running at a target of 30 FPS but whilst encoding it reported a 7.6 FPS. Oh well, you can decide for yourself if you think it is faster or no and hopefully it is a little more watchable with the long, black portions removed.

Garden Time Lapse Test 5

I would like to leave it set up but have other projects in mind I want to use the camera on and also feel these videos are a bit dull if I'm completely honest. If I was to give it an entire year of footage capturing then I could maybe make something interesting out of it but if I was going to spend that long on it I'd want much better images so would need to replace the camera, probably with a HD one, and that's something I'm not looking to do just now.

Hope it has been educational and enjoyable anyway. Let me know if you make any time lapse videos of your own.

Happy gardening and happy computing!


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